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Российской объединенной демократической партии «ЯБЛОКО-ЗЕЛЕНАЯ РОССИЯ»

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Report of the Faction Green Russia within the Russian United Democratic Party Yabloko (July 2010 – June 2011)

1. Number of members and organizational structure of the faction
The faction Green Russia within Yabloko has 36 regional branches and about 2300 members.
In 2011 two branches were reorganized – in Altaiski krai and in Krasnodarski krai. Altaiksi branch was in fact created anew (a chairperson of the branch is V. Kalashnik). Two new local divisions appeared in Krasnodarski krai in cities of Krasnodar and Tuapse (in previous years only Novorossiisk local division existed in this krai). Activists of the Krasnodar and Tuapse divisions became members of the Krasnodar branch of Yabloko. This is of special importance for the party because several activists of an influential organization Environmental Watch of the Northern Caucases joined Yabloko.
In a given moment the faction reorganizes its branch in Tul’skaia oblast’. E. Konovalova A well-known historian, an author of several books on history of Tul’skaia oblat’, and a chairperson of of a group fighting against a construction of a cement factory in a city of Veniov E. Konovalova joined the party and the faction. Now we expect more intensive work of this branch.
The faction had its electoral conference on October 27, 2010. The conference elected faction’s Presidium, factions Bureau, and the Council of Regions. The Council of Regions includes all the chairpersons of factions’ branches and the Presidium of the faction (altogether 39 men and women).
At present members of the faction are at the head of four regional branches of Yabloko. (A. Kalashnikov in Amurskaia oblast’, A. Naumkin in the Republic of Bashkortostan, G. Boldyreva in Volgogradskaia oblast’, A. Talevlin in Cheliabinskaia oblast’). Eight members of the faction became vice-chairpersons of regional branches of Yabloko (L. Zernova in Leningradskaia oblast’, D. Nesterov in Arkhangel’skaia oblast’, A. Rudomakha and A. Filimonov in Krasnodarskii krai, N. Rybakov and O. Tsepilova in St. Petersburg, I. Kovaliova and B. Ol’khovik in Volgogradskaia oblast’).
The faction doesn’t have a significant influx or outflow of members.

2. Factions’ activities
Work of the faction includes participations in election campaigns, organization of environmentalist actions, preparation of publication, and propagandistic activities.

2.1. Participation in electoral companies
In a current year the Green Russia faction took part in electoral companies to legislative bodies of Cheliabisk and Novosibirsk oblast’(October 2010) and to the city Duma of Petrozavodsk (March 2011). Our candidate in the 35th electoral district of Novosibirsk oblast’ N. Kalionova got 2.16 percent of votes and the 6th place (out of six). An electoral list of Yabloko in Cheliabinsk oblast’ got 2.53 percent of votes (the 5th place out of seven). D. Rybakov got 20,90 percents of votes and became the second (out of six) in Petrozavodsk.
In May 2011 a member of the faction’s Bureau N. Kalinina was illegally not allowed to participate in an electoral campaign for the office of the head of Blagoveshchensk district in Amurskaia oblast’ on the pretext that signatures of voters necessary for her nomination were fake. Mass media gave much information about that case.
At present the faction sees a preparation for election to the State Duma and legislative bodies in St. Petersburg and Karelia as its priorities.

2.2. Organization of environmental actions
Environmental actions of Green Russia took part over the current year. These were pickets, round tables, conferences, and public hearings. The main subjects were a protection of Utrisha, Baikal, and Khimki forest, as well as actions against a construction of a terminal of chemical fertilizers in Tuapse. Additionally a protection of especially valuable natural territories, thickening construction of buildings in cities, nuclear and fire security (forests and peatbogs), and a link between pollutions and a state of population’s health were in the focus of our attention.
The faction did much work together with Bellona-Center for protection of Environment and Human Rights for organization of the All-Russian action Chernobyl’+25. In 22 of 28 regions the faction organized this action itself, and in three regions the factions helped to environmental NGOs. Along with ordinary pickets we also organized several broader actions. 25 huge spheres-torches rose to the sky from the Palace Square in St. Petersburg at 1:47 A.M. (the time when the Chernobyl tragedy happened). The action in Cheliabinsk included a collection of signatures in the pedestrian street of Kirovka against a construction of the Southern-Ural Nuclear Power Station. In the end of the action the participants launched 188 black balloons (according to a number of evacuated towns and villages). A round table Lessons of Chernobyl through the Fukusima Tragedy took part in Voronezh and a round table Perspective of the Nuclear Complex Development near St. Petersburg in the Context of the Chernobyl Nuclear Catastrophe – in Sosnovy Bor. The Kostroma branch of the faction organized a round table Effective Utilization of Electric Energy Instead of Nuclear Power Stations. The Novorossiisk branch had a picket and after it a demonstration of documentaries and discussions in the Central Library in the Youth Center. The Ulan-Ude branch put a stand with information on the Chernobyl and Fukusima catastrophes on the central square of the city. The Archangelsk faction together with NGO Etas prepared a musical-propagandistic action Green Day. Members of the faction organized laying on of flowers towards monuments of Chernobyl catastrophe in several other regions. During these action they disseminated leaflets.
On June 5 (the World Day of the Environment) Green Russia organized actions in fifteen regions: cleaning of roads and parks, pickets, conferences, and round tables.
Activists of the Krasnodar branch of the faction and of The Environmental Watch of the Northern Caucases had five environmental mass meetings against a beginning of work of the terminal of chemical fertilizers which belongs to a company Evrokhim. More than one thousand of local dwellers took part in each of these meetings. The six meeting will take part on the June 26, 2011.
The Buriat branch of the faction has organized Baikal Day each year beginning from 2007. The next Baikal Day will happen in the next August, and the activists of the branch actively prepare it.
The Amur branch of the faction (together with an environmental club Ulutkatan) obtained a good PR-effect due to organization of a competition among young journalists in the region with a topic Energy of Nuclear Power Stations is a Way to Apocalypse.

2.3. The other activities
In the current year school children, their teachers, and members of regional competitive committees took part in the fourth competition of environmental works Nature, Human Being, and the Country. The faction as an initiator of this competition invited several environmental NGOs to take part in it. Altogether 1,500 people people from 45 regions of Russia and from four others countries from the Community of Independent States took part in the competition. The most active were branches and activities in Volgograd, Voronezh, Krasnoiarsk, Novosibirs, Samara oblast’ and in St. Petersburg. The chairperson of the Organizing Committee of the competition was A.V. Yablokov and the secretary of the committee Yu.V. Gorelova.
In August 2010, on a background of permissiveness and inactivity of Russian authorities, on the one hand, and a growth of voluntary fire-fighting activities, several leading environmental NGOs on an initiative of the faction Green Yabloko created a Public Committee on Causes and Aftereffects of Natural Fires was created. The committee included members of these NGOs as well as specialists in forestry. A.V. Yablokov became a co-chairman of the committee. A resolution of the committee (about it see the next section). Still has been the only generalizing analytical document on this national natural catastrophe which was intensified by Kremlin’s anti-environmental policy.

2.4. Propagandistic (including publishing) activities of the faction
Publishing activities of the faction included a monthly supplementary sheet (four type pages) in the all-Russian newspaper Bereginia (published in Nizhnii Novgorod) and a series of booklets Regional Environmental Policy. Number of copies printed is 1,000 for each of the booklets:
• Repulic of Carelia
• Khabarovskii krai
• Leningradskaia oblast’
• Novgorodskaia oblast’
• Sverdlovskaia oblast’
• Respublic of Bashkortostan
• Voronezhskaia oblast’
• Kaliningradskaia oblast’
• Tul’skaia oblast’.
Booklets in preparation: Iaroslavskaia oblast’, Tomskaia oblast’, Kemerovskaia oblast’, Kaluzhskaia oblast’, Volgogradskaia oblast’, Brianskaia oblast’, Lipetskaia oblast’, Amurskaia oblast’, Kostromskaia oblast’, Kurskaia oblast’, Moskovskaia oblast’, and Penzenskaia oblast’. There also plans to prepare booklets on the following regions: Republic of Buriatia, Republic of Sakha-Iakutia, Republic of Tatarstan, Tverskaia oblast’, Moscow, and St. Petersburg.
In 2010 the faction together with Bellona-Center for protection of Environment and Human Rights issued Resolution of Public Committee on an Investigation of Causes and Aftereffects of Natural Fires in Russia in. On an initiative of Yabloko’s chairperson the faction published a revised edition of this document in June 2011.
Many faction’s member publish magazine and newspaper articles on environmental issues and give interviews to radio and TV canals. The faction’s site places the most interesting articles and interviews, and some of these materials one can find on Yabloko’s site.
Two members of the faction’s Bureau (A. Yablokov and A. Rudomakha) have their blogs at a site of one of the most popular in Russia political radio station Echo Moskvy (more than 80,000 visits in the current year). Faction’s activists Al’bert Kalashnikov (he got an international award for this activity) and Natal’ia Kalashnikova permanently present environmental information on their blogs.
The faction has its own Internet site (http://www.rus-green.ru/) and all-Russian distribution for members of the Bureau, chairpersons of faction’s regional branches, faction’s activitsts (green_rus@ewnc.org). Faction’s material are regularly published in a newspaper Svezhii Veter Primor’ia in Vladivostok. A distribution address yabloko.kuban@gmail.com work actively after an election of vice-chairpersons Andrei Rudomakha and Andrei Filimonov within the Krasnodar branch of the faction.
The faction stepped forward an initiative to publish I. Smirnov’s book Khimki forest. History of unfinished struggle with a foreword of Yabloko’s chairperson S. Mitrokhin.
Sixteen environmental statements of the faction, the chairperson of the party of Yabloko, and Yabloko’s Bureau were made in the current year (Appendix 2).

2.5. International activities
The faction has a status of observer in the Union of European Green Parties. Twice a year members of the faction take part in sessions of Councils of European Green parties. On an initiative of Green Russia the Councils regularly issue statements on Russian environmental problems.
In December 2010 a member of the faction’s Bureau N. Kalinina (city of Blagoveshchensk) made a report on Yabloko’s activities at the International Conference of Asian Political Parties in Kambodge.
In April 2011 the 4th International Nuclear Forum Nuclear Energy, Society, and Security took place in St. Petersburg. Faction’s activists A. Nikitin, N. Rybakov, O. Tsepilova (St. Petersburg), A. Talevlin (Cheliabinskaia oblast’), A. Mamaev (Krasnoiarskii krai), I. Reznikova, T. Dobretsova (Kostromskaia oblast’), and L. Zernova (Leningradskaia oblast’) participated in it. Most of the faction forum’s participants gave reports on electric power issues in their issues. A deputy-chairperson of the faction was a chairperson of a section Nuclear Aftereffects of the Chernobyl Catastrophe. Those members of the faction who were at the forum actively interacted with journalists (interviews, press-conferences). One of press-conferences for Russian and foreign journalists was in St. Petersburg office of Yabloko.
In October 2010 vice-chairperson of the faction Olga Tsepilova represented Yabloko and Green Russia in an acquainting tour in states of New England, USA (Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine, and Massachusetts) in order to learn how to bring nuclear power stations out of explotation. The program of the tour included meetings and discussions with American scholars, politicians, NGO’s members, and journalists.
In April 2011 well-known specialist in nuclear power security issues the chairperson of Green Russia Aleksei Yablokov and its vice-chairperson Aleksandr Nikitin participated in meetings linked to the 25th anniversary of Chernobyl catastrophe. These meetings included a presentation of A. Yablokov’s book From Chernobyl to Fukusima and of the second edition of the book Chernobyl: Consequences of the Catastrophe for a Human Being. Besides they took part in an international conference 25 Years of Chernobyl in Kiev on April 26-27, 2011.
On June 2, 2011 Heinrich Bцll Foundation had a round table What Brings Greens Towards Victory? An Experience of Germany and Perspectives of Russia in St. Petersburg. The main reporters were co-chairperson of Heinrich Bцll Foundation Ralph Fьks and a vice-chairperson of Green Russia Olga Tsepilova. R. Fьks explained causes of victories of greens at elections in Germany in 2010-2011. O. Tsepilova told on history of formation of a political wing within the green movement in Russia and on contemporary situation and perspectives of Russian greens. Experts both from Russia and Germany participated in the discussion. A moderator was Jens Sigert, a head of the Moscow branch of Heinrich Bцll Foundation.
In April 2011 leaders of the Ozersk local department of the Cheliabinsk branch N. Manzurova and N. Kutepova became laureates of an international premium For Non-Nuclear Future (in a nomination Resistance).
On April 2011 a chairperson of the Amursk branch A. Kalashnikov became one of ten best Russian bloggers writing on environmental topics at the First International Journalistic Eco-Biology.

3. Conclusion
All the political restrictions imposed by the Russian authorities on Yabloko directly influence the faction. Under the given circumstances the faction’s Presidium believes that the main directions of our work are maximal participation in direct actions (including actions in cooperation with environmental NGOs) and propagandistic work (including work on publications of environmental literature).
Strategic tasks of the faction include reinforcing of links with NGOs, first of all with environmental NGOs, drawing attention towards environmental problems of Russia, and towards priorities of environmental issues for Yabloko.
Our tasks for the nearest future are the following: preparations for federal and regional elections, making more active of faction’s propagandistic efforts in the Internet, and utilization of electronic technical possibilities for within faction activities (on-line discussions, on-line meetings of the Bureau, and so on).

Supplement 1.
Members of ruling bodies of Green Russia (elected at the faction’s conference on October 27, 2010)

The Presidium:
Aleksei Vladimirovich Yablokov (Moscow) – the chairperson of the faction
Aleksandr Konstantinovich Nikitin (St. Petersburg) – a vice-chairperson of the faction
Ol’ga Dmitrievna Tsepilova (St. Petersburg) – a vice-chairperson of the faction
The Bureau:
Valentin Vasil’evich Batishchev (Voronezhskaia oblast’)
Galina Vasil’evna Boldyreva (Volgogradskaia oblast’)
Rustem Il’dusovich Gafurov (Republic of Chuvashia)
Iuliia Vital’evna Gorelova (Moskovskaia oblast’)
Lina Sergeevna Zernova (Leningradskaia oblast’)
Nina Vladimirovna Kalionova (Novosibirskaia oblast’)
Natal’ia Vladimirovna Kalinina (Амурская oblast’)
Andrei Artem’evich Lebedinskii (Nizhegorodskaia oblast’)
Anatolii Grigor’evich Mamaev (Krasnoiarskii krai)
Nataliia Ivanovna Mironova (Cheliabinskaia oblast’)
Sergey Aleksandrovich Naumkin (Republic of Bashkortostan)
Dmitrii Alekseevich Nesterov (Arkhangel’skaia oblast’)
Aleksandr Konstantinovich Nikitin (Санкт-Петербург)
Irina Sergeevna Reznikova (Kostromskaia oblast’)
Andrei Vladimirovich Rudomakha (Krasnodarskii krai)
Dmitrii Sergeevich Rybakov (Republic of Karelia)
Aleksandr Sergeevich Sorokin (Тверская область)
Vladimir Anatol’evich Sretenskii (Permskii krai)*
Marina Vladimirovna Sukhanova (Zabaikal’skii krai)
Natal’ia Nikolaevna Tumureeva (Republic of Buriatia)
Tat’iana Grigor’evna Tribrat (Krasnodarskii krai)
Ol’ga Dmitrievna Tsepilova (St. Petersburg)
Aleksei Vladimirovich Yablokov (Moscow)

* A well-known forester, environmentalist, and the chairperson of Perm’ branch of the faction Vladimir Anatol’evich Sretenskii died in March 2011.

Supplement 2.
Statements of the faction, of the chairperson of Yabloko, and of the Bureau of Yabloko on environmental problems:
“There is no a place on the planet for a weapon of mass destruction!” — August 6, 2010
“Turf fires as a mirror of power” – July 29, 2010
“Forn a defense of Khimki forest and its defenders” — July 17, 2010
“Forest fires are results of irresponsibility of the state” – August 9, 2010
“To solve environmental problems Russia needs not words, but deeds” –December 9, 2010
“Stop violence in Khimki!” – November 6, 2010
“It is necessary to stop gamma-sterilization of agricultural products” – November 6, 2010
“Nuclear waste must not be brought to Russian” – November 14, 2010
“Against nuclear corruption and making Russia a world nuclear dumping” – November 20, 2010
“A highway through Khimki forest does not solve transport problems of Moscow region” – December 9, 2010
“TV canal Eurasia is a threat for Russian national security” – December 3, 2010
“Pollution of Baikal is a crime!” – January 18, 2011
“Environmental classes should become a part of educational standards” – February 4, 2011
“Russia should learn a lesson from the Japanese catastrophe” – March 19 2011
“On a threat of a destruction of a child resort Anapa and of a devastation of the Black Sea ecosystem” April 6, 2011
“Acquittal of bureaucrats-poachers is disgrace of the Russian justice” May 25, 2011


Григорий Явлинский Международный Социально-экологический союз mosyabloko ecodefense

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