Action against animal experiments takes place at Moscow State University
April 2th, Moscow. – Today, when “Open Doors” event was going on at Biological Department of Moscow State University (MSU) 10 activists of Alliance for Animal Rights have opened 10 meters long banner ‘No animal experiments!’ just in front of tribune where Deputy head of the Department I. Yermakov was talking to university entrants. Animal rights activists scanned slogans: “Vivisectors are fascists!”, “No to murder of animals!”. In less than one minute professors sitting in the audience run quickly to activists and started pulling banner from their hands. At this time the audience of 500 people started to applaud to activists. Security of Biological Department who came a bit later took off the banner and forced activists to leave the building.
Activists of AAR called to stop experiments on animals at MSU and to carry out incorporated in the charter of University the aims consisting in satisfaction of needs of the person in moral development.
A student has right to choose methods of education and can reject to participate in experiments on animals. This is in Russian laws “On high professional education” and Law on Education. It’s written in following laws that Students of higher educational institutions have the right to participate in formation of the maintenance of the formation, but in practice it is not realized in any way. They havn’t possibility to choose, because they are faced a fact: to cut animals or to cancel education.
Refusal of experiments on animals is encouraged also with the Charter of the Moscow State University which is required students to observe moral and moral norms of a society. Each student can be trained in the Moscow State University under the approved individual plans which exclude carrying out of experiments on animals.
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