Six Companies in Korelia Will Not Harvest Forest in Slightly- Disturbed Forests
On June 8, 2006 one more considerable forest- harvesting company, the 6th this time, agreed to join the policy of slightly- disturbed forests conservancy. The name of the company is Svedwood- Karelia. In this decision it joined a group of big Karelian forest- harvesting companies including Serezhski, Lenerski, Ledmozerski, Pyaozerski, who have already stopped their cutting operations in slightly- disturbed forests.
Ladenso Company, for example, does not carry out any cuttings in its forests due to the environment- friendly policy of its owners. Olonetsles Company is about to exercise a similar program due to the policy of its new owner. Shulyas Company having joined the Tikhvin project on delivery policy from Russian forest operators to the German consumers is now planning to apply for a certification. This will mean no harvesting in slightly- disturbed forests neither buying timber from them.
As a whole about 25% of slightly- disturbed forests (of the total number of slightly- disturbed forest, which in total comprise 5.4 % of Karelian forests) are under the policy of conservancy due to their owners’ decision.
Spok Conservancy Organization has appealed to the Karelian Government with a view to conserve all slightly- disturbed forests turning them into reserves with a complete ban on cutting operations. This would help to resolve a long- standing conflict, thus providing a positive image of Korelia on the environment- friendly European markets. The government has not responded to the appeal yet.
Meanwhile, existing uncertainty in the issue of slightly- disturbed forest as well as in the biodiversity conservancy issue does not allow Karelian forest operators to fully take advantage of European markets, to obtain independent certificates (for example, FSC) and to increase their revenue.
Only Karelian Government and Karelleskxoz participation in this matter can help solve the problem of slightly- disturbed forests conservancy and at the same time increase the revenue of the Timber Industry in Karelia.