Фракция «Зеленая Россия»
Российской объединенной демократической партии «ЯБЛОКО-ЗЕЛЕНАЯ РОССИЯ»

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New nature reserve “Kanzanavoloksky”: science expedition

A field trip to old growth forests of Pudoz district was taken in the beginning of June. Scientists from Karelian Forest Institute and ecologists from SPOK participated.

This expedition is the first stage in the great research work that is aimed at studying and evaluating biological diversity of Pudoz forests. This will be a complex study, containing geological, biological aspects: from soils description to insects and lichen studying.

The idea of protecting Pudoz old growth forests appeared about 15 tears ago. That time it was planned to include the part of valuable forests in the territory of national park “Vodlozersky”.
But instead of conservation, old-growth forests were rented for timber industry use. And only in 2005 an idea of protecting Pudoz forests became real. This is thanks to agreement, that was concluded between SPOK and timber industry company “Karellesprom”.

So, this summer ecological survey of the territory will be done. Scientists will be searching for valuable nature objects, estimating ecological value of the territory. The study will be resulted in scientifically based recommendation for establishment of Landscape Nature Reserve in Pudoz region.

It’ significant that current research work is based on two international agreements. The first is the Protocol about intentions between Ministry of Environment of Finland and North-West region department of Russian Ministry of natural recourses, that was signed on 25.05.2001. The other is the Protocol about intentions between Finnish Ministry of Environment and Rospriridnadzor of Karelia that was signed on 3.09.2002. Studying is financed both by Russian and Finnish participants.


Григорий Явлинский Международный Социально-экологический союз mosyabloko ecodefense

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