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Animal rights activists’ action has ended with the conflict with fleecers

Animal rights activists’ action has ended with the conflict with fleecers.

August 13, 2006, Moscow Region (settlement Tomilino) – Action against mobile zoos has passed there. Animal rights activists have approached to open-air cages of the menagerie placed near the local House of culture. They have quickly got sprays with an aerosol paint and have written slogans on external walls of open-air cages: "The menagerie is prison for animals!", "NOT — to cruelty!", "Freedom to animals!" and others.

Then they have opened banners "NOT — to cruelty!" and "Close the prison!", opposite to the entrance of menagerie, have put on a megaphone and started to scan slogans. Almost at once three drunkers from those who watches a mobile zoo appeared and tried to stop the action, and also to remove the banner which has been hung out on the menagerie’s car. But they did not manage it and defenders of animals came closely to the entrance of the menagerie. They were scanning slogans and put on signal fires. Activist with a megaphone has approached to cash department and has started to scan slogans in a window. Someone sitting inside tried to push away a megaphone, but the loud siren has been turned on instead if that.

The action has come to the end with the conflict between workers of a menagerie and defenders of animals. One of activists has crossed by aerosol paint tariffs for visiting of prison for animals and has risen at a step in attempt to write a word "prison". "Security guards" of a menagerie tried to prevent it, but failed. The activist has added a word "prison", but one of heads of the "pleasure" enterprise here has approached to him, seized and start threatened with an adjustable spanner which was in his hands. For the reason of self-defense one of participants of the action has applied pepper gas to neutralize attacked man.

The mobile menagerie has appeared in this area recently. Before, in March, defenders of animals observed it in other area. It has wild animals for entertainment of public (young foxes, wolves, tigers, leopards, bears, lions, etc.). Animals all year round are in tiny cages, they are fed by waste, and when it cold they are so freezing, that even get injures. To confirm it there is a videorecording which has been shot by participants of the Alliance for Animal Rights (AAR): http://www.animalrights.ru/index.html?cmd[147]=x-150-8063 .

This time the AAR became to known about a site of the same menagerie from e-mail message sent by parents of the three-years old child who were indignant with it and asked defenders of animals for help.

Activists of AAR by doing the action wish to draw as much as possible attention to this problem and to show those who earns money on sufferings of animals, that they will bear responsibility for it. As to occurrence of similar menageries — the majority of them are a by-product of circuses: when "actors" become old and become a burden for their trainers, they get rid in a such way — they send animals to a concentration camp on wheels, where “ex-actors” are waiting in tortures for their sad end.


Григорий Явлинский Международный Социально-экологический союз mosyabloko ecodefense

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